Saturday, September 25, 2010

Home Energy Kit - Hot New Energy Product!

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Herb Gardening Secrets

New product. Everything there is to know about starting, growing and harvesting herb gardens. Culinary, medicinal and aromatic. This product has it all. 75% Commissions.

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Innotek Anti-Bark Spray Collar, Citronella

Innotek Anti-Bark Spray Collar, CitronellaThis collar uses non-toxic citronella spray to stop nuisance barking. Each time your dog barks, a microphone picks up the sound of it's bark and instantaneously a small spray of citronella is released in front of your pets nose. They hear it, see it and smell it. With a dogs heightened sense of smell, this is quite bothersome. Citronella is totally safe for dogs, humans and the environment. Each anti-barking system comes with a bark unit, a collar that adjusts up to 27" with a a quick snap closure, one can of citronella spray (approx. 300 sprays) and a 6-volt alkaline battery. Use citronella refills only.

Price: $69.95

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Lavazza Super Crema Espresso Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Bag

Lavazza Super Crema Espresso Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound BagThe Lavazza super crema, whole bean, 2.2 pound bag are a premium blend of 80% sweet arabicas and 20% robustas producing a rich, intense flavor with a thick espresso crema that holds up well in cappuccinos and lattes. Super crema can also be used with all other brewing methods for an extremely rich, flavorful coffee.

Price: $24.82

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The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!

The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!The Backyard Homestead Put your backyard to work! Enjoy fresher, organic, better-tasting food all the time. The solution is as close as your own backyard. Grow the vegetables and fruits your family loves; keep bees; raise chickens, goats, or even a cow. The Backyard Homestead shows you how it's done. And when the harvest is in, you'll learn how to cook, preserve, cure, brew, or pickle the fruits of your labor. From a quarter of an acre, you can harvest 1,400 eggs, 50 pounds of wheat, 60 pounds of fruit, 2,000 pounds of vegetables, 280 pounds of pork, 75 pounds of nuts. Reviews "Bottom line is, even if you're not ready for complete self-sufficiency, in today's economic climate, it just makes sense to try to produce some of your own food. And this book is a great way to get your feet wet." - "The tone is sweet and accessible, and the

Price: $18.95

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Organic Home Garden Success

An organic garden can provide a lot of benefits. If you are interested in this kind of gardening then you must always make sure that you learn the right tips to maintain the plants. You can either grow fruits, vegetables or even flowers in your organic home garden.

Lots of people these days are taking up this type of gardening because they have understood that it is not only economical but it is even good for health. The foods are much healthier than what you get in the market.

The best thing about this kind of gardening is that it does not use any kind of artificial elements or fertilizers. Now you might want to know how to grow an organic garden. There are certain tips which can help you make a perfect garden in your house.

There are certain things that you need to check before you start planting the tress. The first thing that you need to check is the soil. The soil is one of the most essential things that are required by the plants.

The soil not only provides proper support to the plant but also provides certain other nutrients which are very much essential for the plants. You must always make sure that you use organic fertilizer or compost which will help the soil get back the nutrients if it has lost it due to some reason.

So you must always pay proper attention to the soil of the garden. The next step which you need to take is to think about proper protection of the plants. There are certain things which can cause harm to the plants.

This is the reason why you need to arrange for protection. You need to protect the plant from the weeds. Other than this, you must also be careful about certain kinds of diseases as well as pests.

When you use the pesticide you must always use the organic pesticides. They work just like the chemical pesticides but they just do not have the bad effects like the chemical ones. The other important task that you need to do is select the right kind of plants.

You must also be careful about the organic gardening tools that you will require during gardening. You can choose any plant for your organic home garden. But you need to make sure that you plan it nicely.

If you read a guide of organic home gardening you will find a list of the seeds that are available for planting. You just need to make sure that your plants get proper sunlight and enough water so that they can grow. Other than this, space management is also very much necessary in the garden.

FREE REPORT: Secrets to Organic Gardening. Discover how to have a high yielding organic home garden! Organic gardening is fast growing and good for. Get your free report today!

Various Ideas to Enhance Your Home & Garden

There are many home & garden ideas that you can use to spruce up your home. You do not need a lot of money to decorate your home but you can still be creative even on a tight budget. When you are looking to decorate a whole wall then you want to remember to create a balance. For an entire wall look at using a grouping of small items or use a large item.

Just changing what is hanging on your wall can have a huge effect. Just makes sure you always think about balance. Decorating a full wall is much different than decorating a small section of a wall.

It can be tricky to achieve balance when the whole family is involved. You do not want to randomly place items on the wall but look at how they relate to the entire room and how they change other items in the room.

With a garden you can create any type of outdoor area that you choose. It can only take a few months for your plants to flourish and the fun part about gardening is that it is never ending and you can constantly change things if you want to. You can plan out to have flowers blooming at all time with careful planning.

Many times individuals will plan out their garden so that they have flowers in bloom during every season. You can focus on a single color and even create levels within your garden. You can even have fun with accent pieces such as fountains, birdbaths, trellises and more. The possibilities of what you can do with a garden are endless.

Gardening is not all about flowers as you can also have a vegetable garden. This is a great way to bring fresh produce into your meals. Kitchen gardens are quickly becoming all the rage again

Want to seriously spruce up your home or yard on a tight budget? Get the inside scoop on exquisite garden and home decor ideas in our fab backyard guide.

Your Guide to Growing Beautiful Flower Gardens

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Tips to Start Your Home Garden

In these days, home gardening gains rising popularity. Home gardening is a wonderful practice for the whole family. Here are some simple tips for you to start your home garden.

It is best for you to start with some plants which are easily cared for. If you are a new, you should better not choose these plants and flowers which take your much time and effort. If you can not handle these plants well, you will not find fun in the gardening.

In these days, more and more people are attracted by the home vegetable gardens. Vegetable gardens can give you fresh and tasty vegetables. When you place these vegetable on your table and see your family all enjoy them, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. But you need to plan your garden well and choose the right vegetable for your growing climate. Herbs are another favorite for the home garden. If you have limited space, you can grow your herbs indoors in a sunny window.

You can landscape your garden. There are many types of grasses and shrubbery you can choose to decorate your garden.

Gardening can be fun and educational for the whole family. In addition, what a delight to see the flowers bloom and harvest the vegetables. However, if you want to get a wonderful garden, you should work hard. Plants need to be weeded and watered. Do not get discouraged if the flowers are not as brilliant as expected or the beans did not do so well.

Information for Your Life

Click to find more about Gardening Tips

Holistic Herbs~A Guide to Herb Gardening

Create An Herb Garden-Recipes, Home Herbal Remedies, Chinese Herbs, Herbal Teas, Companion Herbs, Hydroponic Gardening, Organic & Composting, Ponds, Lots of Articles, 14 Day Free Mini Course Plus 18 Free Bonus eBooks. (+5 more Bonus) Pays out 65%.

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Free Organic Vegetable Gardening At Home

Learn how to start up or enhance your own organic Vegetable garden at home. Everyone can save money on food bills and produce superior fruit and vegetables.

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Why You Should Never Even Think About Organic Home Gardening Until You Read This!

One of the worlds fastest growing hobbies is organic home gardening. It is so popular amongst people due to its all natural idea and aspect. Basically, this type of gardening is the art of planting, growing, and harvesting different kinds of vegetation such as plants, crops, and trees through the use of entirely organic materials and substances such as water, cropping materials, organic fertilizers, etc. It sounds fun and earth-friendly right? But in reality, you should never ever try out this from of gardening until you have learned from some the mistakes stated here. This will be very important if you want to be successful in the art of organic gardening for your home.

Forgetting to plan out the entire process of organic home gardening is the number one cause of unsuccessful organic gardens. Analyze your home, your budget, and hit the books first before engaging in such activity. Knowledge and organization is the key to success.

It is a well known fact that plants, tress, or any kind of flora needs water to survive. So it is your duty as an organic gardener to provide your organic garden with a daily supply of fresh and clean water. Do however take note to never ever give too much water to the plants and crops as that will only cause over hydration due to the water's oxygen trapping quality. Also, water the plants more during the summer or during hot temperatures.

Inorganic fertilizers should also be avoided when it comes to organic home gardening. Yes, it gives your plants a certain boost but that is only temporary. If used continuously, the minerals and substances of the inorganic fertilizer will accumulate and bulk up inside the plant which may lead to poisoning and death. Try to use organic or natural fertilizers instead such as dung. They most certainly are more eco-friendly and more healthy.

That is why you should never ever think about organic home gardening without knowing these common mistakes and don'ts. It will only cause you to fail and fall. But now that you know, why not try out this type of organic gardening today.

Melissa McKyler is a work at home mom and loves to spend her free time working in her home kitchen garden with her family. For more information about organic home gardening be sure to visit

Tips For Better Vegetable Garden Planting Before Your Next Home Garden Party!

Many beginners wrongly assume that there can't be too much of a good thing. Water, like fertilizer, should be applied correctly to produce healthy vegetables. Deep watering with sufficient intervals will coax plants to develop deep root systems. In general, a vegetable garden planting needs one inch of water per week. Avoid overhead sprinkling, which can promote fungus and mildew. The ideal watering system is a slow-drip method, as with a drip-irrigation system. If you can't afford an installed system, water with a hose by moving it around the garden, positioning a slow flow of water at the base of plants.

The first step in planning a low maintenance vegetable garden planting is to have home garden plans. Many gardens just evolve over a number of years. Friends give you plants you have to find a place for, and you have moments of inspiration that lead to years of maintenance. If you take the time to plan your garden layout and content as a single paper exercise, you can design-in features that mean you have less work to do and not more. To get a working diagram of the current layout, use Google Earth to get an aerial view of your garden and print it as a base to work from.

Use compost rather than chemical fertilizer. It is free and safe. All those eggshells, coffee grounds, and food scraps are exactly what your garden needs. Leaves and lawn cuttings make great compost too. Many home made solutions can replace store bought pesticides. A spray of soap and water will stop aphids in their tracks. A shallow dish of beer will drown dozens of slugs overnight. Ants avoid cayenne pepper. Marigolds are said to keep grazing deer and rabbits away. Ladybugs and praying mantis can be purchased and added to the garden to control pests. Organic liquid fertilizer can also be a good way to go to get your garden to its fullest potential. And hey, what the heck, throw in a yard gnome or two. They have been known to scare off a neighbourhood critter or two.

In addition to nutrients, many plants also have differing light requirements, especially as the season progresses. Using containers allows you to move plants from one spot to another, and in some cases can allow you to actually extend the growing season of some vegetables. Spinach, lettuce and asparagus growing are three great examples. While these plants generally prefer the cool, lower light conditions of spring and fall, by moving them into a shaded, cooler area as the season grows warmer, many cool-weather crops will continue to produce long after their ground-anchored cousins have gone to seed.

And when it is in its fullest harvest, why not throw a home garden party to share with all your friends and relatives! A Home garden party is a great way to show off your garden and encourage others to begin a vegetable home garden of their own!

Best of Luck! - Brian Dick

I have been gardening for nearly 30 years and have successfully grown everything from asparagus to zucchini. I have recently come across many excellent sources for helping to decide what to grow based on the nutrient make up of each vegetable a, source that really lays out the secrets to successful gardening and more. I strongly endorse both products and best of all they are available only as a e-book so they are environmentally sound. Find out more about these sources as well as gain access to my FREE 12 step e-course at The Happy Gardener

The Home Gardener's Tools & Supplies

The home gardener's tools & supplies are quite numerous. Most of the multipurpose tools will last forever. The newer materials that used for garden tools today make them last longer, their stronger and lighter and gardening is much easier with the new ergonomic tool supplies.

The numbers are so vast that the home gardener has to be wise in choosing the correct tool supplies that he needs. Just about everything seems useful and looks very necessary that the gardener could very easily lose control. Realistically, most garden tool supplies are multifaceted, but just a scant number are indispensable. Take the garden hoe, its main intention was to cultivate the land and remove weeds, but it can also dig holes, slice rows, and make ditches, along with many other chores.

There are many different models, sizes, and grades of the very same tool, so your challenges are going to be many. If you have soil that is rich and very fruitful and a small garden, you won't need an industrial type spade. A long handled tool, as opposed to a short handle, and a small watering can are much better for the gardener with a tricky back. The sensible thing to do is try each model for your size and comfort before purchasing. You don't want any tool supplies that are going to tire you out or cause injury.

Your particular garden will influence you as to the type of tools that your need. If you are a city dweller and you want to start composting, that open compost bin won't do if you can almost touch your neighbors' house. The enclosed bin is a better match but making sure there some openings for air circulation. If you live in a very hot area or in the desert you will probably want some sort of irrigation system and shade coverings. A good rule of thumb, only purchase the tool supplies that you absolutely need.

When purchasing tool supplies search for the brands that have a lifetime guarantee, they will generally last a very long time. Make sure the garden tools are made of quality materials and craftsmanship; after all you want to spend your hard earned money wisely. 

Your tool handles should be made of a hardwood that doesn't have any knots and it extends the entire handle. The cheap or inexpensive tools are usually made of the softer woods and painted handles just cover up the soft wood. Professionals will use steel handled tools because they are much stronger than wood but they are probably too heavy for home garden use.

Some of the best tool supplies are manufactured of high carbon steel. Stainless steel tools are very expensive but they won't rust, they are not easy to sharpen and aren't any stronger than high carbon steel. You don't want the heavy duty type tools made of aluminum, only the small hand tools are appropriate for aluminum.

The most vulnerable part of any garden tool is the connection between the handle and the working end. The joint should be held together with solid socket connections, this makes the tool heavier, but it will be better off in the long run. Your gardening tool supplies are the most precious commodity you have for that special flower garden or family vegetable garden.

Barbara believes that the right tool supplies will help any gardener proceed with much ease. She and her husband almost always try each tool on for size before purchasing. Check our site, Gardeners Garden Supplies for more interesting tool supply accessories.

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Building an Affordable High End Home Theater

Follow a high end home theater project from start to finish. Learn the costs and techniques to build an affordable high end home theater and save money. Featured in Electronic House Magazine as one of the "Best of the Best" Home Theaters in the country.

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Home Gardening Tips That Save You Money

What Clock Is Ticking?

When it comes to your home gardening project, timing is crucial. So to start this the right way, you will need to invest in the biggest wall calendar known to man, or maybe a 5"x7" would do.

Why a calendar? Having this calendar handy will enable you to jot down a variety of garden ideas and projects you may want to accomplish. Remember to dedicate this calendar for gardening notes. You can also include any other gardening or landscaping projects that requires step by step instructions.

Sketch Your Yard Or Future Garden

You will find that putting your visual thoughts on paper can bring about a different perspective on how you want your garden to look. Be sure to include your house or other prominent shapes and figures. Also, include where your new garden may go.

I know some people to use colored pencils to show how different plants will look next to each other. This is an invaluable process because now you can actually see if an orange tree and cacti would fit in next to each other.

Space Is Truly The Final Frontier

Another important thing to consider is how much space you have to work with. Setting up your home gardening decor can be very frustrating if you don't have the space. So here's what you should do.

Think about what you will be putting in certain areas of your garden. Do you want vegetables, trees or just rocks. Consider the mature sizes of your plants. Just like the subway trains, overcrowding is not comfortable. If need be, purchase graph paper (just like in math class) and draw your garden to scale. Trust me, this helps tremendously.

Something To Think About

Home gardening is a constant process. You will need to make changes here and there from season to season. Just follow these tips and you could save a ton of time and money. Plan thoroughly before you start planting and you will benefit and enjoy your home garden more.

Epages was created by Jason Scott. A graduate of Philadelphia Pierce College with a degree in Accounting. During that time, Jason has acquired a wealth of knowledge and experience in horticulture and landscaping from working various jobs. One of his biggest influence is his father who helped him bring out the best in plants foliage.

Find great information on our unique landscaping site.



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LitterMaid Carbon Filters, 12 FiltersDesigned to work with Littermaid waste receptacles, these LMF200 disposable carbon filters eliminate pet waste odor by up to 50 percent. Measuring 2-1/4 by 2-1/4 inches, the woven pouches come with adhesive strips for easy application. Each of the included 12 packets is individually wrapped to maintain their absorbing ability. -- Amy Arnold

Price: $9.99

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Home Gardening Advantages

Saving Money and Your Sanity

Each year more and more people take up home gardening, some feeling the need to save money, garden in order to provide cheaper and healthier food for their families. Others choose home gardening as a way to relax, relieve stress and provide their yards and homes with beautiful live plants. There are many different types of gardening and many good reasons to choose to garden.

A Wise Economic Decision

Let's face it with today's economy, food gardening is a wise economic decision. You can grow your own herbs, vegetables and even fruit for a fraction of the cost you can buy them in the store and the more space you have to garden the more money you can save. Many families literally shave hundreds of dollars off their grocery bills each year by growing their own food and preserving it. This food is healthier than store bought goods, as well, because home gardeners often use organic growing for their food, which means no harmful chemical pesticides. They also can or freeze their food using less preservative than can be found in store produce. No matter how big or small your yard or even if you have no yard at all, you can grow some produce that will save you money. While those people who live in the country or have a large yard can grow enough food to feed their families all year round and thus save a ton of money on grocery purchases, those with small plots of land or even a balcony or deck can grow a few a simple vegetables. Vegetables such as tomatoes can be grown in a tub. People with no yard at all can enjoy home gardening by growing their own herbs inside in small spaces such as a window sill.

Some even grow miniature fruit trees in their homes. All these people find gardening enjoyable as well as economic saving them any where from a few dollars a year to significant savings. A Relaxing Hobby Other people turn to home gardening as a relaxing hobby. They find it a perfect way to relieve stress from their hectic jobs and really enjoy the feel of getting back to simple basics. These gardeners enjoy growing everything from small flower gardens to prize winning orchids or roses. One particularly enjoyable type of gardening for the hobby garden is bonzai or bonsai gardening. Bonzai gardening includes not only the Japanese Bonzai, but the Chinese Penjing and the Korean Bunjae. Quite literally bonzai means growing a tree in a pot. These miniature trees can be grown both inside and out depending on their size and provides for both an interesting hobby and a aesthetic result.

Special tools and techniques are needed for Bonzai gardening and those people who enjoy this type of gardening really enjoy the challenge of nursing these trees into the shape and style they want to create. For those looking to save money or for a relaxing and enthralling hobby then home gardening can be the perfect choice for you.

Dr. Ivan Wilson is well known social anthropologist in Birmingham also dedicates the rest of life for the well being of SOS Children Orphanage. He finds time to share his experience making other's life even better. Log on to his website for the latest feeds now; Home Gardening Tips

National Home Gardening - An Association That Offers Great Tips For Gardeners

National home gardening gives great tips to people who are very interested and greatly enjoys gardening. Many people like their home grown vegetables than the ones in the market. Here are some great tip's to make a vegetable garden at home. Firstly, you have to decide the location of your garden, next you have to make out which part of the plot of land you have chosen receives the maximum amount of sunlight. Secondly you have to add manure to the soil to make it more fertile. If you plant the vegetables in a north to south direction they will receive lots of sunlight which will be required in large amounts for the process of photosynthesis

Your garden should be on level ground. Plant your crops in rows and leave space in between so that you have enough space to do the wedding and harvesting. Weeding is a must. Use fresh new seeds so that they can germinate quickly and very easily. Transplanting will be a quick method.

If this is the first time you are growing veggies, talk to the staff at the gardening centre from where you will be buying your seeds. They will give you great advice on planting vegetables.

Make your vegetable garden near your house so that it is easier to care for and look after your plants. It will be also easier to pluck the fresh vegetables from the garden before preparing a mouth watering meal. The prospect of having your own vegetables growing in your backyard is something everyone would envy, add to that the stale vegetable available in the market and your prospective vegetable garden will bloom into reality.

National Home gardening gives you tip's on how to save water while gardening. It is important to note how much rain has fallen before watering the plants. Keep a measuring container in your garden to know how much it has rained and never forget to empty it once a week.

Watering your crops early in the morning is best because it reduces evaporation. Watering on a pleasant day also reduces evaporation.

Position your water sprinkler to avoid wastage of water. Watering slowly avoids run-off and the soil also absorbs water in this way. Watering equipments should be checked regularly.

National Home Gardening makes one more suggestion. Remember, it is the ground that needs the water, not the leaves of the plant.

Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Home Gardening Club - Join The Club!

Home gardening clubs are quite famous all over America and Europe. People who are members of the club share their knowledge on gardening. Home gardening clubs share ideas and information with gardeners in a particular area. The Home gardening club of America lists the names of other clubs and organizations. It gives details on gardening competitions in around the country. They also give information on trees and plants. It is a great place to network and pick up some fast tips on gardening from people of expertise who have been in this line for years. Now days many organizations are joining in this race and several clubs both regionally accredited and unaccredited ones have sprung up almost everywhere.

It enables people who are interested in home gardening to exchange their ideas and thought's on home gardening. They speak about their favourite plants and the best way to take over garden pests and insects. They help us to take care of gardens and have the best lawn in the city. Others are more into growing tropical plants and plants which are difficult to grow. Many Home gardening clubs operate their own website. It allows communication between members by having chat rooms. It's very helpful for the people who live faraway and where gardening is not so popular. With the advent of the internet information has become almost in the tips of our fingers. Within minutes we are able to find suitable plants, dealers, medicines all in the comfort of our house. These forums also serve as a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas.

These clubs are great for old aged people who stay alone and love gardening. If members have problems with garden insects and in blighting their roses they can get advice from other people who are dealing with the same things. Some clubs help in gardening as well as making new friends and enjoying. Gardening has become almost as fun as going to clubs. It is a place to meet new people sharing a common interest. These gardening clubs often have competitions which help in building up camaraderie all in the good spirit of competition. Gardening is therapeutic and as a hobby easy to maintain and healthy. Old people are always encouraged to take up gardening. It will not only provide them with something to spend their time with but also will be a physical exercise of sorts.

Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Going Green Involves a Home Garden

If we are going to make the serious decision to live green to help the planet, ourselves and future generations, we must include in our living green plans, a garden. The benefits of a home garden are enormous. Not only do you save a tremendous amount on your home budget, but the health benefits far outweigh the effort involved. Obviously you can't grow everything that you would potentially buy from the produce section of the supermarket, but the percentage is quite high of the things that you could grow. The most common things like Tomatoes, Green Beans, Carrots, Peas, Squash, Melons, Lettuce, Cabbage, Onions, etc. are things that you can grow at home. As you can see, these items are high in vitamins and minerals as you control how they are grown and what goes into the process. Not only that, you reduce the trips to the supermarket and the waste created by the packaging materials. And, the waste that is created by the garden itself, is used in the compost pile to perpetuate the garden! The compost pile is a complete article in itself and will be following this article soon.

A home garden is really a simple and fun thing that the family can do together. When my wife and I started our first garden, it was in four large flower pots and consisted of tomato plants and beans. It was great to see the plants grow and to eat the produce that we ourselves had grown. As our gardening skills and enthusiasm have grown, so has our garden. We now utilize a variation on the container gardening concept called "raised bed" gardening. We have eight 4'X10' wooden boxes where we grow enough produce for ourselves, our neighbors and our children. The raised bed concept is really quite simple and easy to put together. I used plain 2"X12" lumber which I painted with a common wood preservative. This prevents or prolongs the rot from developing. Then I screwed them together with deck screws. We put a fabric liner you can get at a garden center to prevent grass and weeds. You can also build your raised beds with concrete blocks laid end to end and on top of each other without the mortar. Two blocks high would be sixteen inches and a formidable garden bed.

Anyone can garden. It's simple and easy and fun. If you live in an apartment you can still garden on your patio or balcony. Just use large flower pots or boxes. Even if all you did was grow a tomato plant. I'll bet the next year you would grow more, then more, then more. We have a couple of chairs out in our yard near the garden. When we go outside, we might pick a hand-full of strawberries or a tomato or cucumber and sit in our chairs near the garden and just take it all in. I guess that's as close as you can get to living green and being close to the earth other than being buried in it. It really gets you in tune with green living and helps inspire you as to other things you can do to make living green a reality in yours and your family's life.

Till next time, happy gardening and green living.

James Corbin is continuing his series of articles on Green Living. His latest interest however is repairing and restoring electric guitars. Come visit his latest website over at which helps people find the best electric guitar parts and electric guitar bodies for their repair or restoration project.

The Benefits of Home Garden Design to Be an Individual

If you want to show your creativity, your home garden design can be as individual as you are. When planning the gardens around your home, there are benefits you can gain by considering unique designs in the types and colours of plants you use, or the planters and features you incorporate. There are some people that will enlist the help of a professional garden designer or landscaper to help them, but there are a few tips you can use, when designing gardens that express your individuality.

The first thing to consider is that your gardens can include a mixture of flowering plants, colourful vegetables or herbs. When you are thinking about your individuality in garden designing, consider grouping some colours, types of flowers and vegetables or foliage you like the best. For example, there is no reason you can't plant a garden that features kale, which has a purple hue and compliment it with orange poppies, red peppers or yellow daisies, depending on which colour combinations you prefer. Some people like to group plants that are in the same colour family, and that is perfectly acceptable and can be an interesting home garden.

When thinking about your home garden design, it might be that there are certain herbs and vegetables that are much cheaper to grow on your own and a home garden is a great way to raise your own organic food. Consider grouping plants by categories. For example, a salad garden can contain basic salad fixings, such as leaf lettuce, green onions, cherry tomatoes and radishes. If you decide to plant a melon patch, consider a variety of melon types, just remember that they can put out large vines and take up a lot of space. This is the perfect solution for areas that are weed-prone, however.

Another thing to think about is the interesting features you can use in your home garden design and this can include interesting containers for your plants, such as a child's red wagon, a wishing well, or a hollow log. Finding unique containers is only part of the way you can add character to your garden and you get the benefit of using things around your home that might have outlived their usefulness, but can be made into an interesting planter or feature in your garden.

Other things to consider, when designing the gardens around your home, might include natural looking features to add interest. Whether you have a dry gravel creek-bed, small pond or you devise a natural looking fountain with stones, and you can make your garden more unique and take advantage of natural parts of your land that might be a nuisance, otherwise. Creativity is the key to a garden that is unique, but you can construct trellises from many things and turn them into an attractive feature that bears grapes, tomatoes or peas, for example. It is a matter of utilising things you already have and turning them into an attractive part of your garden that can offer the benefits of thoughtful garden design and allows you to show your creativity and individuality, as well.

Are you looking to take matters into your own hands with Home Garden Design? GMC Lanscapes is an online company that will be able to help you design your perfect garden. For more information on the company please visit the website at

Home Gardening - The Pride, The Joy, The Fun, The Art, The Responsibility

Home gardening has become one of the top leisure activities in the country. Well not just here but across the globe from different cultures and races have come to enjoy and love doing gardening. People have different purposes and goals as to why they indulge themselves into it or there may be no specific concrete reasons at all because they just love doing it since it is their passion or for some their pastime, their hobby, for some a way to earn extra income, for some to grow their own vegetables for cooking, for home improvement or it may be that it is required or mandated by their housing association to maintain their front garden or lawn. Owning a beautiful and fruitful garden at home is a pride and joy for every gardener. Anyone can say they have fun doing it simply because they love it.

Home gardening does not limit anyone to planting and growing vegetables and fruits only, it also includes building a beautiful landscape that creates a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere and environment. Because of this gardening has become an art. An art that requires careful planning, decision making and proper investment. And can also become almost a skill or talent for anyone who wants to perfect the art by trying different garden designs and landscape architectures.

The best thing about learning this 'art' or having a home garden is that you do not really need to go to school for lessons or spend loads of money for a special training. With home gardening all one needs to do is read a book, or ask a friend or someone already an expert for tips and ideas, or go online to research about it. One has to consider that to perfect doing gardening does not come overnight. Obviously one has to be patient to see the results over a period of time, maybe days or weeks or months depending on what one has done and what one wants to achieve like no one can expect his tomatoes to grow ripe the following day or expect the tulips to blossom the following week or like any other endeavors, there are times that you fail.

Home gardening entails more responsibilities than anyone thinks. As what has been said, careful planning, making the right decisions, proper investments should be right there - eliminating the pests, safety measures to follow, the right home garden tools to use, the research for further improvement and etcetera. But it would be a greater responsibility to have social awareness - to share to the community and teach and instill to the new generations.

Since the tools and supplies we use in gardening are very much essential and important to the success of our home garden and lawn, so how do we plan in choosing and buying the right tools to use and at the same time lowering the cost?

Here is a link

A Home Garden - Fun for the Whole Family

Home gardening is a wonderful pastime that the whole family can enjoy. In addition, gardening has become an increasingly popular hobby for people of all ages. Currently, studies show that in the United States, eight of ten households take part in some type of home gardening endeavor. Based on these statistics, gardening is one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities in the nation.

Typically, when people start planting their garden, they start with flowers. In addition, most people will pursue planting roses. The novice garden does not realize that roses usually take the most time and effort as compared to other flowers. With such an enormous array of flowers to choose from, it is best for the novice to start of with easy care plants and flowers.

Vegetable gardens have become quite popular too. A vegetable garden can bring a sense of pride and accomplishment when you place those fresh vegetables on your dinner table. The list of vegetable plants is endless, therefore when planning your vegetable garden choose the right vegetable for your growing climate. For instance, cool weather crops would be green beans, zucchini, and cucumbers.

Many gardeners will consider planting fruits as well. In a warm climate, you could plant watermelons, and trees such as apricots and peaches. A berry garden is also fun, planting strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. These types of berry gardens are easy to care for and take less space than a traditional vegetable garden.

Herbs are another favorite for the home garden. If you have limited space, you can grow your herbs indoors in a sunny window. The most often used herbs for cooking are basil, thyme, oregano, parsley, and cilantro. These herbs are easy to grow too.

Landscaping your yard is another form of gardening. There are different types of grasses and shrubbery to decorate your yard. Decorative rocks, ponds, and statues are also included as a form of landscape gardening. Landscaping your yard is not limited to plant life. As with a garden, your lawn and shrubbery need upkeep.

As mentioned earlier, gardening can be fun and educational for the whole family. In addition, what a delight to see the flowers bloom and harvest the vegetables. However, as with anything else, to be a successful home gardener takes work. Plants need to be weeded and watered. Do not get discouraged if the flowers are not as brilliant as expected or the beans did not do so well. Research the plant in question and then try again next planting season, eventually you will have a wonderful garden.

For more information about a home garden or gardening in general, visit these sites Home Garden [] and Garden Info Center

Home Gardening Tips

Its certainly no suprsie that the popularity of gardening both as a life-style and as a hobby, continues to grow. Indeed, you only have to go out into any neihbourhood on a sunny, summer evening to see that home gardening is at an unprecedented high in America right now. In the United States 8 out of 10 households participate in some type of home gardening activity. Obviously from the number of people that are doing it, home gardening is one of the most popular recreational activities in nation.

The popularity of the pastime is manifold. We know that the message today is "keep fit"; "maintain a healthy life-style" and "eat wholesome food". What better way to achieve all this and ome than with gardening. The majority of home gardeners look to planting a variety of plant types including flowers; at least they usually begin by planting flowers anyway. Roses will almost certainly be the first consideration for most wannabe gardeners, but roses will take added time and effort, and should in all probability be left to those who have gardened previously. When planting flora many choices are exist, such as bulbs, perennials, and annuals.

Homegrown kitchen produce is another big thing in home gardening. Maybe the best thing about food plants is the reward of eating them. The catalogue of edible plants that gardeners can grow is endless. Some of the most widespread edible plants in the vegetable arena are, potatoes, peas, corn, carrots, squash, and cucumber. A lot of gardeners decide on for fruits, such as, watermelons, tomatoes, peaches, plums, apples, pears, and apricots. Small fruits, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries usually necessitate less work and less space, making them much more practicable for home gardening. Herbs, most often used as spices in cooking, are becoming ever more popular every day; some of the most grown include basil, thyme, oregano, parsley, and cilantro. One of the most important things to watch for when planting edibles is insects and disease, after all, you don't want to miss out on the banquet you will get to enjoy from hale and hearty plants.

Many people don't recognize it, but landscaping is a form of home gardening. Landscaping covers many diverse areas and forms of gardening. One can even categorize mowing your lawn as landscaping! Keeping in the line of grasses, landscaping nearly always involves decorative grasses, and the great thing about them is they don't take much work for upkeep. Types of grass include monkey grass, pampas, buffalo grass, flame grass, and ornamental millet. Landscaping is not just limited to plant life, but also includes anything done to a yard for ornament, such as adding rocks or stones, putting a small pond, statutes, or a waterfall.

There isn't much variation between home gardening and gardening anywhere else. Plants still require a good location; plants still need water and they still need the same nutrients. Home gardening shouldn't cause anyone to get nervous. If you do decide to try homing gardening and finding out that you don't have a green thumb, don't get discouraged. Get some information, read up on gardening, and try it again the next planting season.

Peter Wellington writes for Gardening Tips Through out the Year [], a website providing a comprehensive archive of free information for the gardener Gardening ideas []

Organic Home Gardening - Get The Natural Stuff

Organic farmers produce crops without using harmful insecticides and pesticides which help the plant to stay away from the insects and help them grow well, but leaves no nutrients in them. If you are a home gardener there a good reasons for you to take up organic gardening. Urban conditions tend to lower the quality of air, soil and water. With organic gardening, home gardeners help restore some of that lost quality in the plant's soil and air.

Why is it good for you to use organic gardening? Home vegetable gardeners eat the vegetables produces by them; they produce the vegetables with hard work and labour. No chemicals are used in organic gardening. Therefore home gardeners do not have to worry about the vegetables they are having. Even among home flower gardeners organic gardening means no exposure to poisonous chemicals for anyone in the family. Chemicals often tend to degrade the quality of the plant and sap away the nutrients from it. Nowadays more and more people are opting for organic manure and fertilizers over the chemicals

Vegetables grown at home contain more nutrients other than the ones bought from the Supermarket. Organically grown vegetables also contain protective photochemical that scientists believe are defenses against cancer and other diseases. Outdoor gardening is good because it helps you get out in the fresh air and sunlight. Organic gardening is good for both you and the environment. The chemicals present in the vegetable grown in the commercial market are often bad for health if not washed properly and can be hazardous to life. Under such circumstances it is advisable to get organic fertilizers which harm us in no way but rather enhance the plants.

Organic gardening is good for society because it does not add dangerous chemicals to the environment. It reuses and recycles things and help's in reducing pollution.

Chemical fertilisers are no good and moreover are bad for the plant.

Organic fertilizers contribute to the development of good, nutrient rich soil that can be used by future generations. Chemical fertilisers kill both the good and the bad insects. Organic pest control uses nature methods to keep insects in check, and so allows your garden to maintain a healthy diversity of organisms without the hazards of the chemical.

For these reasons, it is in your best interest to use organic gardening. Home gardeners should give it serious consideration to use organic fertilisers.

Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Home Gardening Ideas - Creating Your Own Hypertufa & Finding Garden Treasures From The Trash

Gardening is one great hobby to enjoy. Aside from the joy of seeing your flowers and plants thrive healthily in your backyard, you can also find many home gardening ideas and garden art to make your garden look amazing and refreshing to the eyes.

Imagine a great garden with waterfalls, with stone art and all those nice stepping-stones and other garden ornaments. Indeed, gardening is not just satisfying your senses wit the fresh environment of your garden but also a way to express your being artistic.

Hypertufa Garden Art

One amazing garden art that you can make in your garden is with the use of hypertufa. Hypertufa is an artificially made rock that is used as a substitute for the 'tufa' rock, which is a very good material for plants to grow and thrive because of its porosity. However, the tufa rock has now become rare and expensive, thus the creation of hypertufa is an alternative.

One good thing about using hypertufa for your creative home gardening ideas is that, you can actually do it yourself and shape it according to what you want. You can make planters, troughs, pots, rocks, even hypertufa leaves and just any garden accent you want. You will just need Portland cement, peat moss and perlite, mix these ingredients with water and mold to your chosen size and shape and let it cure and dry for several days.

Unlike ceramics, clay or plastics that will crack, hypertufa is durable, lightweight and can withstand harsh weather especially the freezing temperatures in winter. Because of its porosity, it is also a good material for plants to thrive even with little maintenance and watering.

You can actually find some hypertufa recipes for you to start with for your DIY home gardening ideas. You must be guided according to the hypertufa recipe fit for the product you want. You can make your hypertufa very lightweight or very strong by following a slightly different recipe.

Garden accents and planters from trash

Aside from making your own hypertufa for your garden needs, you can also make use of some junks that will be good garden decors, planters and accents. You can make use of an old wheelbarrow as an accent or a planter for you garden, or you can reinvent old containers and pots by adding some modern look into it. Old watering cans can also be repainted and designed to give a unique look to your garden.

Old chairs can be repainted and redesigned to make excellent plant stands. Old bathtubs can also be great 'mini ponds' for your garden where you can put your stone art and hypertufa creations. Indeed, you can find treasures from the junk that will make your garden look amazing.

You can actually find many home gardening ideas that will inspire you to make your home garden more refreshing and attractive as well. You do not need to have expensive decors and accents, you can actually find them in your trash, or you can make it on your own with just so little cost.

Carolyn Anderson loves to do gardening and making creative accents and ornaments in her home garden. To learn about making your own hypertufa planters and accents, check out this guide to making hypertufa. Also check out this guide on Organic Food Gardening if you want to grow your own chemical-free vegetables and fruits.

Small Garden Design Ideas - Landscaping and Home Garden Plans

A garden owner can themselves design and can create layout plans for planting of landscapes and garden. You as an amateur gardener can attain a good level of experience by working for many hours in your garden. This will give you many ideas. Landscaping can be enhanced with a vegetable home garden as part of the small garden design. There has been an increased interest in small garden design since the twentieth century.

Who so ever be the designer of the garden, be it an amateur or a professional, be sure your home garden plans include a vegetable garden planting. Ask your friends for their ideas. Landscaping should follow certain rules and principles to meet the desires and need of the owners or the users of gardens. The layout of the gardens must include walls, sitting areas, paths, as well as plants themselves. I know someone who has placed numerous yard gnomes throughout their garden. That is some odd home garden decorating.

Maintenance at regular intervals of time is needed. Keeping in mind the innovation in keeping the garden stylish is one thing that shall not be missed and how the whole landscape should be used effectively. Follow a basic and simple small garden design to ensure that the garden is manageable.

The first thing that should be done is to choose n appropriate location for the garden. A location that is topographically correct must be considered. There should be a well organized connection with water. The area must have rich layers of soil. Besides a well constructed and designed garden can weigh a lot above the location.

The quality of the soil in the garden is the most important aspect as it has a significance impact on the success of garden. There are many types of fertilizers that can help the garden grow. There are many soil organisms that help gardener in improving the soil quality. Planting nitrogen fixing plants such as those from the family of peas can provide a boost in the fertility of soil. The excavated soil of the landscape should be mixed with peat, mineral dust, compost, sand and manure. These are examples of organic garden fertilizer.

Lastly, the boundary impinges can provide a great finishing look to the garden. Your very own place looks beautiful and organized. It can be marked with fencing or slanting bricks or a raised pedestal or shrubs. A proper fencing is necessary to keep away the animals from destroying your garden as well as to enhance the beauty of your garden. All this prepares you for a fantastic setting for your next home garden party. And don't forget the yard gnomes!

Happy Gardening!

Best of Luck! - Brian Dick

I have been gardening for nearly 30 years and have successfully grown everything from asparagus to zucchini. I have recently come across many excellent sources for helping to decide what to grow based on the nutrient make up of each vegetable a, source that really lays out the secrets to successful gardening and more. I strongly endorse both products and best of all they are available only as a e-book so they are environmentally sound. Find out more about these sources as well as gain access to my FREE 12 step e-course at The Happy Gardener.

Tips For Planning a Home Garden

The Home Garden has it's own spirit. It's size is wholly immaterial. It doesn't have to be the rarest or the costliest, but the best-the best geranium or the best lilac. Even the fruit garden and the vegetable garden also have their own spirit. When you want something superior however you must grow it or else buy it at a higher price directly from someone who grows for quality not quantity. If you want the best or choicest you must grow them yourself. The value of these things cannot be measured in money.

The commercial nurseries may grow what the market wants and the market wants chiefly what is cheap and looks good. The home gardener should grow what the market cannot supply or the home garden is not worth the time.

A garden is a place in which plants are grown as well as herbs, vines, bushes, trees and grass. Too often people think that only formal and pretentious places are gardens. But an open lawn around the house may be a garden or a row of holly along a wall or an arrangement of plants in the greenhouse.

Usually there is some central feature to a garden, a them to which all other parts relate. This may be a walk or a summer house or a sun-dial or a garden bed or the residence itself, or a brook falling down between shrubs, bushes or clumpy growths.

There are many forms and kinds of gardens as there are persons who have gardens; and this is one reason why the garden appeals to everyone. and why it may become the expression of personality. The simplest garden is likely to be the best, merely because it is the expression of a simple and teachable life.

Grow the plants you want but do not want too many. Most persons when they make a garden order a quantity of labels. Fatal mistake! Labels are for collections of plants-collections so big that you cannot remember. And when you cannot remember you lose the intimacy you lose the essence of the garden.

Choose a few plants for the main plantings. The should be hardy, vigorous and sure the thrive in all types of weather. These plants you can buy in quantity and in large strong specimens.

Each clump or group or border may be dominated by one kind of plant-foxgloves, hollyhocks, spireas, asters. Miscellaneous mixtures are rarely satisfactory. The point is that the character of the home garden should be given by the plants that are most sure to thrive. The novelties and oddities should be subjects of experiment;if they fail the garden sill remains.

David Cormier currently publishes a blog

Useful Home Gardening Tips For Beginners

When one finds himself looking for home gardening tips, it is important to think about the types of gardening such as indoor gardening, organic gardening, and vegetable gardening. These different "genres" of home gardening tips will only lead you into confusion so it is very important to take note that there general home gardening tips that are versatile and are fitting for your average gardener. But before anything else, one has to have an idea on how to go about gardening at home so one can fully grasp the very idea of general home gardening tips.

What is home gardening about? It is a type of gardening where home growers can sustain themselves with healthy tasting produce and flowers that seem to bloom with the essence of beauty. To earn the so-called tasty and beautiful products of gardening, one has to get the right set of gardening tips available.

When it comes to gardening at home, there are certain tips you should follow.

These home gardening tips are best for those who are about to start out as home gardeners. First off, when planning to set up a home garden, it is very important to pick a specific area in your lot. This area will depend on the type of plant or crop you are planning to cultivate, but almost all of the plants for gardening relatively share the same set of desired outdoor conditions which are full or near-full exposure to sunlight.

It is also vital to set up your patch of plants near a faucet so it would be easy to maintain since you wouldn't need to move around that much. Of all the home gardening tips out there, this is one of the most important to take note of.

Deciding which plant or vegetable to grow is one of the most crucial processes a gardener has to take since knowing which type is also going to give you an estimate of the size of the garden plot you should have. For example, vegetable plants take up small patches of land and are easy to grow while vine crops, such as cucumbers or watermelons require larger patches of land and are more difficult to handle compare to vegetable plants.

These home gardening tips are easy to master but the most important factor in home gardening comes from no book or from any tip out there. It will come from you. Each successful gardener has his or her own set of gardening tips. These tips will be nothing if you would not exert time and effort into gardening. After all the hard work, you will be able to see and even literally taste the fruits of your labor.

Yap Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in Tiffany Ceiling Lighting which discuss and review about Exterior Light Fixtures.

National Home Gardening Club - Connect With Like-Minded People

Are you the inquisitive types that like to be constantly updated about the goings-on in the field of your interest? Would you be interested in knowing which plant has been crowned as the plant of the month? How about clicking a prize-winning photograph of the plant you think could beat all in a contest. You also might want to receive regular newsletters updating you about the developments in the domain of home gardening and offering you some useful tips as well. If all this grabbed your attention significantly, you will be delighted to join the National Home Gardening Club.

It has several benefits to offer to all its enrolled members. Members usually can join in as official product testers. It entails testing many gardening products from time to time. However, the bonus is that you get to keep the products you test! All you are required to do is to fill up and submit the tested product's evaluation form in an honest manner.

Having membership of the National Home Gardening Club also qualifies you to participate in member forums as well. You get to flash your knowledge in the form of write-ups on the bulletin boards. There is a good possibility that many other member gardeners will leave their comments or remarks about your postings, thus leading to a healthy interaction. If you desire more real time and live interaction, you can head to the Clubs Chat room. There is also the provision for you and other members to exchange photographs with the help of a built in application called the National Home Gardening Clubs Member Photo Page.

The members get several opportunities to win exciting prizes as well. Contests like click to win can earn them handy prizes like the Empires Riding Mower Deck washer, natural compost tea by Merrill's or the Earth Box's ready to grow gear. Another interesting contest named Garden Giveaway distributes prizes like chipper shredders, cast aluminum settees or greenhouses from Poly-Tex. One can participate in the yearly photograph contest and a web quiz too.

When you enroll in for the free trial membership at the National Home Gardening Club, you're gifted a free edition of the Gardening How-to magazine, an E-newsletter, a free public garden dictionary and a free of cost gardening shears too! If this doesn't get you smiling, there's more! You also are entitled to a chance to bag a gardening gear at zero-price and to register and test gardening equipments that will be yours to take home post-testing.

Another bonus is the complete access to the Clubs website where you can learn from the gardening tips shared by other members. Maybe you can pitch in with some of yours too. Who minds instant stardom! You also get an opportunity to post your reviews about some amazing videos and books on gardening.

Another exciting facility this club provides is a comprehensive library where you can find write-ups on all facets of home gardening. Be it specialty gardens, vegetables, weeds, plant diseases, pests, fruits, herbs or anything to do with home gardening, you will find information about it in National Home Gardening Clubs library. It's so informative that you would want to visit it again and again. They update the library regularly to keep you posted on all the new age developments in Home Gardening fields.

It is not rare for the National Home Gardening Club member to get frequent informative mailers about all the upcoming gardening shows. You may get some free passes to special events too! In case you wish to dig quite deep into a certain topic, you will have privileged access to some universities as well to enhance your knowledge further. A true home gardening enthusiast couldn't have asked for more!

Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Home Gardening - A Relaxing And An Inexpensive Hobby

Home gardening is an enjoyable, relaxing and most of all an inexpensive hobby. It sets your mood, keeps you alive and stress free. A lot of people nowadays have been into gardening. They started turning their front and back yards into a sight to behold with bountiful colored flowers and blossoms or greenery. The process is easy and can be done in just few steps. By having the right tools; knowing what, where, when and how to plant, you can now indulge yourself in gardening and have fun without leaving your home.

Home gardening is growing in popularity. Some people garden as a hobby and some to make money. It is very innate in every person to appreciate design, beauty and symmetry. Everyone would love the sight of a garden in abundance of beautiful flowers in vibrant colors, although some people would prefer a bed of greenery. Freshly cut flowers in the living room will somehow bring a tinge of the summer indoors. It will be enjoyable to grow vegetables, too. Whatever your preference is, give your yard a face lift and make it a magical sight of elegance and beauty.

Many people had already made a way for home gardening into their own front and back yards. Statistics had it that it has became a favorite leisure activity, placed ahead of time spent with family, but not on top of reading and watching television. Another thing is that one out of every three families are more into home gardening nowadays with most gardens found in urban areas.

A person with a green thumb they say is gifted with the ability of growing plants. This may be true, but it doesn't mean that people not having this gift cannot do home gardening anymore. It's a matter of personal taste. Everyone, young and old, who has the willingness to learn how to plant can be a home gardener. There are a hundred and one reasons to plant a vegetable or a flower garden in your own yard and the benefits people get keep getting better and better all the time.

A Good Plan Today is Better than a Perfect Plan Tomorrow

Home gardening can be done in few simplified steps. There are lots of easy approaches on how to do gardening. First is having a plan. It will be better if you draw a picture of what kind of plants you want and where you want them planted. Of equal importance is knowing your plants and finding time to do a little research in a local library or a bookstore to get acquainted about the flowers or the vegetables you are growing will help you a lot in the process and will give you a clear cut definition of how they will be grown. Determining the type of soil, how much space, the amount of shade or sunlight and how much water your plants require will always give you almost perfect results. The second is the right gardening tools. You are going to need a shovel, a rake and a trowel to loosen and soften the soil to make it easier in creating the holes for the plants.

Having done these things, you are now ready to execute your home gardening plan. Before planting, you weed out the grass as this may take over the garden before your plants even begin to grow, then till the soil so it becomes loose and soft. Most importantly, apply compost or manure or a well-rotted animal a week before you plan to plant. This will make both the soil and your plants grow healthy.

Planting and Taking Care of Your Home Garden

Home gardening requires lots of nurturing for your plants. Planting and caring for your garden gives you a feeling of creativity as you turn that spot in your yard a masterpiece. Planting your garden can be done as much as possible in the spring and fall. This kind of conditions that ideally enable plants to grow and mature very well. You can either grow the flowers from seeds, especially during wintertime, or buy from a nursery. For a flower garden it is best to note which area you want to use gets the full or partial sun or the most shade. This will enable you to change the kind of flowers you can plant on your beds. For a vegetable garden, you have to dig holes in rows. Small holes for seeds, deep holes for bulb roots. Bulb naturally multiply and produces more blooms every now and then. In planting trees and shrubs, the dirt attached to the bulb is included and make sure the roots are deep enough to cover it all in order to protect it from animals.

For the most part during during the growing season, gardens require a weekly moisture supply tantamount to one inch of rain.Weed your garden as frequently as possible. You don't want a garden full of grass. Mulch your home garden because it keeps it from drying out. These rotting vegetables will act as your protective covering and reduces soil erosion. When it matures, trust me, you can now decide what you want the end product of your garden to be. So let your home gardening tell the story, let it convey the power it possesses and let it take control of the environment for you, for your family and for your friends as well as your neighbors.

Abhishek is an avid Gardening enthusiast and he has got some great Gardening Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 57 Pages Ebook, "Your Garden - Neighbor's Envy, Owner's Pride!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Diggin' My Indoor Home Garden - 3 Kitchen Herbs Great to Grow For Home Indoor Gardening

Are you thinking of starting an indoor home garden? Climbing costs and crazy chemical coatings on grocery produce are creating fast fans flocking to join you. Planting an edible garden indoors to grow some of your own vegetables and herbs all year is a low cost alternative for safer healthier produce. No more worrying about chemicals or worse...scary bacteria like E. Coli on your food.

Getting started can stump you...sure happened to me. So to help you dive into diggin' your first dirt, here are 3 kitchen herbs I discovered were great to grow as starters for my own indoor home garden.

Starting with an indoor herb container garden makes the most sense for lots of reasons. Here are a few:

easier to grow than most other plants
require little attention, easy care
add kick to your cooking
add aroma to your home
decorative as well as culinary
few pest issues, not disease prone
swift savings in your pocketbook
low cost to start and maintain
continually replenish themselves after cuttings
Time to get started with these 3 exciting herbal additions as a foundation of your glorious first indoor home garden adventure.

1- Chives Talkin'Chives plants have to be my all time favorite for anyone's maiden plunge into planting their own indoor home garden...or frankly any beginner garden. These emerald green gems are forever forgiving of beginner blunders.

A perennial herb, chives produce a purple 'pom-pom' type flower that is also edible in addition to the long chives leaves. Chives survive any manner of neglect and conditions. You really can't hurt this herb. My kinda plant!  But, please give them lots of light. They are sun lovers.

Their onion-like flavor is deliciously subtle but rich. Far superior to the dried store counterparts. Chives herbs are vastly more versatile than as an addition to sour cream. The chopped leaves are perfect for flavoring soups, eggs, butter, salad, and vegetable dishes.

2-Dill Discoveries

Since dill grows easily from seed, you can plant your dill seeds directly into a container of potting mix. Dill is another sun lover and considered a 'calming herb'. Feel stressed? Snip some dill out of your indoor home garden and chew it to calm yourself! Mother nature's way to relieve tension.

Dill's gentle light green fronds grow atop thin stems. Chopping up both provides a much milder flavor than what you may be accustomed by using the dried version. Dill is an herb delighting creative cooks because of its diverse uses. Familiar with dill pickles? But did you know you can make a dill vinegar? Other seasoning choices for dill are butters, cakes, bread, fish, soups (try it on potato and leek soup!), and vegetable salads.

3-Basil Is Never Boring

For Italian cooking, basil is essential as part of your indoor home garden! Basil seeds happen to be extremely easy to germinate in moist warm potting soil. Since it's a sun worshiping annual herb, locating your indoor home garden in your kitchen is perfectly suited for basil's ideal hot and dry conditions.

Instead of the more popular green leaf variety, consider growing purple leaved basil for a dash of color indoors from your home garden. The scent is another way to experience basil. Rub your fingers across the leaves and your senses will make your mouth water.

Basil leaves flavor pasta sauces, stews, soups, poultry and other meat dishes. Use basil stems and leaves to create an out of this world vinegar. Mix the basil vinegar with your fav oil and add  to a salad of fresh quartered tomatoes and mozzarella cheese.

Another treat for your taste buds is a basil herb butter. In a food processor mix butter and basil leaves. Firm it up in the fridge. Pat some on fresh corn on the cob...ooh la la land!

Your herb indoor home garden can be a group of small containers with one herb plant per pot or simply a single container large enough to hold several herb plants. Hopefully this has inspired you out of your hesitation and you are ready to join the legion of urban farmers of the indoors edible garden by growing kitchen herbs.

Giddy to grow but stalled on how to start your indoor home garden? Follow these simple steps to indoor vegetable gardening on a spartan budget that coach you through learning to grow your own food. Bypass costly beginner mistakes and keep those plants thriving. You'll be dining on food flavored with fresh herbs free from chemicals plucked from your very own home garden. A whole lot healthier for you and your pocketbook!

Puzzled by prepping the soil? Confused about the care and feeding to keep your veggie and herb plants growing? Get more tips and discoveries in the dirt about indoor vegetable and herb gardening to grow your own.

Some of the Best Vegetables For a Home Garden

Depending on where you live, nearly all vegetables are suitable for a home garden. When choosing vegetable varieties to plant, choose varieties that mature earlier if you live in a northern climate. Living in a southern climate lets you plant just about any type of vegetable, which is wonderful when it is planting time. For example, I would love to grow peanuts but I live too far north. My growing season isn't long enough for peanuts to have a chance to ripen before frost.

Tomatoes are probably planted in more home gardens than any other type plant. Although they are actually a fruit, we think of them as vegetables. Tomatoes come in all sorts of different types, red, yellow, cherry and tomatoes special for making sauces. Some of them have been bred to do well in extremely short growing seasons, so you should have no trouble in selecting a variety that will do well for you.

Tomatoes can be staked or caged, saving on garden space. If you let them sprawl, each tomato plant will take up quite a bit of area. Tomatoes also do well in container gardens. An empty 5-gallon bucket works wonderfully for holding and growing a tomato plant. Even though it is in a bucket, it will require staking as the plant grows.

Bell peppers and hot peppers also do great in a home garden. They usually don't need to be staked, as they don't tend to sprawl, but if they are heavily loaded with peppers, you might find it useful. You don't want your lovely plants to break. Just like tomatoes, all pepper varieties do well when planted in large containers.

Green beans are a good choice for the home garden. They take very little space to grow, considering the amount of food they deliver. A couple of short row of green beans will produce enough fresh beans for a whole family during the summer. Plant a few more rows and you will be able to can or freeze enough to last all winter. You can choose from pole beans or bush beans.

Cucumbers are another favorite for the home garden. They do tend to take up quite a bit of space as they are very vining plants. If they are grown on a fence or trellis, they can grow upwards instead of reaching out toward nearby rows. There are also a couple seed varieties of bush type cucumbers available on the market today. If your space is limited, you might want to consider planting some of them. You can plant slicing cucumbers or small pickling type cucumbers.

Zucchini or yellow summer squash also do wonderfully well in a home garden. You will only need a couple plants of each to keep you, and probably even your neighbors, in a good supply of summer squash. The plants are quite large, but they produce an abundance. If you find you have more than you can easily use, you can shred and freeze zucchini and yellow squash. Use it in zucchini bread recipes during the winter. You can also shred it and use it to make delicious pickle relish.

All green leafy vegetables are a good choice. Leaf lettuce, swiss chard and spinach will do very well. Spinach will bolt once the weather starts to get hot, but swiss chard will flourish right up until frost. Keep leaf lettuce picked close and it will keep growing new leaves. Don't pull it up when you harvest, but cut or pinch it off close to the bottom of the plant. I like to keep a planter of leaf lettuce growing near my kitchen door. It makes it very handy to pick a few leaves when I'm making sandwiches.

Carrots, radishes, beets are nice to plant along with lettuce. You will have all the ingredients to hand when you decide to put together a salad. Add onions as well. It is much easier to grow onions from sets than from seed. A small bag of onion sets will give you plenty of green onions to use.

Winter squash and pumpkins are very easy to grow. They will nearly grow untended. If kept cool, they will last long after the garden has been harvested. Their biggest drawback is the amount of space they require. They are very large vining plants, taking up much more space than cucumbers. If you have a large garden space, you might want to grow a few of each plant.

Broccoli is another vegetable that is easy to grow. A dozen plants will give you 12 big heads and lots of side shoots to use after the main head has been harvested. Just be sure to pick both the head and the side shoots while they are tight and green. Don't wait until they show signs of flowering.

Sweet corn is a favorite, but unless you have plenty of room to grow it, I don't recommend it. You need to plant at least 4 rows for good pollination, and each stalk will only produce 1 or 2 ears, so the harvest isn't large. If you have the room, you will definitely want to have a corn patch, though. You can plant the rows as short or as long as you like, just make sure you plant 4 rows wide for good pollination, and no less than 3 rows wide at the very least.

There are many other vegetable that you can grow. I may not have mentioned your favorites. If you have a favorite vegetable, by all means give it a try. It might do splendidly for you. I plant a very large garden each year. It usually consists of sweet corn, bush green beans, pole lima beans, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, slicing cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, beets, lettuce, onions, carrots, broccoli, pumpkins, butternut squash, zucchini, yellow squash, garden peas and sunflowers. I usually try to plant at least one new vegetable variety each year. In the past I have also grown eggplant, watermelon, cantaloupe, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, pinto beans, kidney beans, white potatoes, sweet potatoes and popcorn.

Fortunately, I love canning and preserving. I have a large cellar in which to keep my finished jars of home canned produce. I rarely have to buy any vegetables from the store, even during the winter months. I'm able to go to my cellar and choose from the rows of pretty jars lined up on the shelves.

If you have room, you should give vegetable gardening a try. Even if you only have room for a couple of tomato or pepper plants in containers, it is well worth the effort.

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Growing Healthy Foods in Your Home Garden

More and more people are getting into growing their own fresh fruits and vegetables by planting a home garden. Many are enjoying their fresh garden produce during the growing season and are also preserving it for later use by freezing and canning. Even those who were not previously interested in gardening have become motivated to grow their own produce as they have learned that store-bought fruits and vegetables are often nutrient-deficient.

Not only that, but for many people starting and cultivating a home garden for the purpose of providing wonderful foods for the table is an enjoyable endeavor. Gardening has long been a popular hobby for many people all around the world, but when you add the extra incentive of being able to provide your family with nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables that have not been contaminated with chemicals and pesticides, it is easy to see why the popularity of the garden has grown.

In addition to concerns about the quality and safety of store-bought produce, another reason why people love to have a home garden bursting with wonderful foods is that you can go out and pick the vegetables at just the right time to assure freshness. Compare this with tomatoes, for example, that are picked long before they ripen, transported, stored and finally put on the store shelf.

In that scenario, which is common of the vast majority of produce sold in the grocery stores today, the tomato has been detached from its life-giving parent plant for many days and sometimes weeks. But with a vegetable garden just outside your kitchen door, you can pick your tomatoes when they are at their peak of ripeness and be able to have the freshest tomatoes to add to your salad or for your famous tomato sauce.

Most of the common and popular vegetables that are available in the produce sections of grocery stores can be grown in home gardens. Some of the most popular varieties are carrots, green beans, potatoes, peas, beets, broccoli, cabbage, and many varieties of squash, just to name a few.

And don't forget about all of the wonderful berries that can be home grown as well. Technically a fruit, tomatoes are one of the most popular foods that people enjoy including in their home gardens. They are easy to grow and simply delicious plucked off the vine.

Produce from a vegetable garden can be used immediately or it can be frozen or canned for later use, and many people include herbs in their gardens too. In fact, herbs can be even more convenient as they can even be grown indoors, making your gardening efforts even more simple and easy. And, just as those fresh vegetables taste better and are better for you, you will also find that fresh herbs from the garden are superior in taste and flavor as compared to the dried and packaged varieties.

Aside from all of the benefits of a home garden for providing wonderful food and tasty herbs for your meals, many people simply love being in the garden, weeding, watering and tending their crops. There is a great sense of satisfaction in planting and tending the garden and in seeing your efforts bloom and grow. And, sharing a meal of good food with friends is a feeling many people treasure.

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Tips For Your Home Gardens

Home gardens can be hard work but for many it is a great hobby that gives you many rewards. Gardening is the most popular hobby in this country. It helps you to relax and many say it is very therapeutic. Look at it this way, you are outside in the fresh air and you are working on a project that helps to relieve stress and worry. It is also a great way to work out without having to get in your car and go to the gym. Think of the hours of enjoyment you will get when your hard work turns into gorgeous, lush gardens. Along with the enormous enjoyment you will get from your garden, you will also reap the harvest of any fruit trees and enjoy that too. There are a few garden tips that you should follow that will reward you with a beautiful home garden for you and your friends to enjoy.

There are some home gardening tips to keep in mind when shopping for new trees or shrubs. Usually, when you purchase and plant trees and shrubs they are very small. The gardener comes home and plants under a window or near the house. These plants will start to grow and can cause some tricky problems. This is a mistake to avoid. As the plants grow, so do their root systems. If planted to close to the house they could do harm to your foundation, sewer or water lines. Not only can they cause damage to these things but then it will be necessary to pay to have the tree or shrub removed. When planting shrubs around your house they may grow tall enough to block out sunlight or be a detriment to your landscaping scheme. To avoid this trouble in your home garden, find out exactly how tall and wide the shrubs and trees will be at maturity, a very important tip. Remember, never plant a tree too close to your house. The roots could cause very costly damages and you would have to have the tree taken out.

To encourage new spring growth, prune your shrubs in the fall to allow air flow. Until the shrub or tree is established you must water them liberally. Proper watering of your trees or shrubs is essential if you want them to survive and in some cases to keep the guarantee valid. Lawn sprinkler irrigation is generally inadequate for watering these new plants. Trees and shrubs must have a deeper, soaking watering of the root ball. Moist but not "sloppy wet" is the rule. The recommended watering schedule when your trees and shrubs are first planted is as follows:

Days 1-30 - Everyday

Days 31 - 60 Every other day

Days 61 & following - At least twice per week

Plants that you have watered well survive far better during the cold months than plants starting winter without enough water. Depending on your zone, it is best to plant trees and shrubs in the fall, never in the summer. Take care of your home gardens and you will have years of enjoyment adding texture and beauty to your home and yard.

Happy Gardening!

Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna is an aspiring herbalist who lives in Central Florida. This allows her to grow gardens inside and outside year round. She has published other articles on Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at Gardening Landscaping Tips and Gardening Outside and Herb Gardening

Know Your Vegetable! Home Garden Success Depends on Well Thought Out Home Garden Plans

Home garden plans are essential to having a successful vegetable home garden. Planning means being able to answer the following questions:

1. Where am I going to plant my garden? Will you be gardening in your yard, vegetable container gardening or hydroponic gardening, to name a few?

2. What are the best vegetables to grow in my garden given my climate, size of garden, type of soil, and what I like to eat?

3. Where do plants best thrive in a garden?... shade or sun, close together or far apart?

4. Is there a best type of seed? How long does that seed take to germinate? Growing season length?

5. How do I care for my home vegetable garden? How much fertilizer and water does it need? How do I keep bugs and rodents out of my garden?

6. Do different plants require different care? How do I dress the vegetables once I have harvested them? How long are they good for after harvest?

If you are a beginning gardener, having well thought out home garden plans will make or break your results. Nothing is more frustrating than putting hours of time and many dollars of resources into your garden only to see that it has failed. You must, at least to some degree, answer the noted questions. You will make mistakes and some plants will not turn out as expected.

To minimize that, however, there are many resources out there to gather information on home garden plans for your home vegetable garden. Of course there is the internet, however, I would also strongly recommend a good garden reference manual or your local greenhouse owner. Everyone I have ever worked with has always graciously assisted me with my garden project. They do this so that they can win you over as a long-term customer. It sure has worked with me as I have a couple greenhouses in my area that I frequent often.

So again, to ensure you have an optimal vegetable, home garden plans that are well thought out and executed is a must! I hope this gives you a good jumping off point with your new garden. Good luck with your home garden plans and may your vegetable home garden be bountiful!

Best of Luck! - Brian Dick

I have been gardening for nearly 30 years and have successfully grown everything from asparagus to zuchini. I have recently come across many excellent sources for helping to decide what to grow based on the nutrient make up of each vegetable a, source that really lays out the secrets to successful gardening and more. I strongly endorse both products and best of all they are available only as a e-book so they are environmentally sound. Find out more about these sources as well as gain access to my FREE 12 step e-course at The Happy Gardener

Home Garden - Get Creative Building Your Own Kitchen Garden

Planting your own kitchen garden is a great way to have the herbs, vegetables, berries, fruits or even flowers readily available for your everyday needs. They are not a new method of gardening and have been around since or even before colonial times.

Kitchen gardens are becoming a more and more popular way of gardening over the past few years. Most home or kitchen gardens grown by the home gardener are herb or salad gardens and are planted in a location near or close to the house for easy access of your everyday needs.

When choosing a location for your home garden you need to have an area that gets a minimum of eight hours of full sunlight, an area that has good drainage and a good healthy soil. These are the same requirements that are needed for any other type of vegetable garden. The most common methods for this type of garden are usually raised bed or container gardens.

Creating your home or kitchen garden using raised beds or containers gives you the flexibility to build your garden in location that you would normally not be able to work the soil and is a creative way to add dimension to your yards landscape. Raised bed and container gardens are also a type of garden that are easier to maintain than your stand home garden and it is not uncommon to build more than one garden using these methods.

Get creative and build your own home or kitchen garden. They are also a great way to attract wildlife to your backyard like hummingbirds, butterflies and even toads, while adding beauty to your backyard with a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening. Organic Gardening is away of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment.

John Yazo