Friday, September 24, 2010

Home Garden - Get Creative Building Your Own Kitchen Garden

Planting your own kitchen garden is a great way to have the herbs, vegetables, berries, fruits or even flowers readily available for your everyday needs. They are not a new method of gardening and have been around since or even before colonial times.

Kitchen gardens are becoming a more and more popular way of gardening over the past few years. Most home or kitchen gardens grown by the home gardener are herb or salad gardens and are planted in a location near or close to the house for easy access of your everyday needs.

When choosing a location for your home garden you need to have an area that gets a minimum of eight hours of full sunlight, an area that has good drainage and a good healthy soil. These are the same requirements that are needed for any other type of vegetable garden. The most common methods for this type of garden are usually raised bed or container gardens.

Creating your home or kitchen garden using raised beds or containers gives you the flexibility to build your garden in location that you would normally not be able to work the soil and is a creative way to add dimension to your yards landscape. Raised bed and container gardens are also a type of garden that are easier to maintain than your stand home garden and it is not uncommon to build more than one garden using these methods.

Get creative and build your own home or kitchen garden. They are also a great way to attract wildlife to your backyard like hummingbirds, butterflies and even toads, while adding beauty to your backyard with a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening. Organic Gardening is away of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment.

John Yazo

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