Saturday, September 25, 2010

Home Gardening Tips That Save You Money

What Clock Is Ticking?

When it comes to your home gardening project, timing is crucial. So to start this the right way, you will need to invest in the biggest wall calendar known to man, or maybe a 5"x7" would do.

Why a calendar? Having this calendar handy will enable you to jot down a variety of garden ideas and projects you may want to accomplish. Remember to dedicate this calendar for gardening notes. You can also include any other gardening or landscaping projects that requires step by step instructions.

Sketch Your Yard Or Future Garden

You will find that putting your visual thoughts on paper can bring about a different perspective on how you want your garden to look. Be sure to include your house or other prominent shapes and figures. Also, include where your new garden may go.

I know some people to use colored pencils to show how different plants will look next to each other. This is an invaluable process because now you can actually see if an orange tree and cacti would fit in next to each other.

Space Is Truly The Final Frontier

Another important thing to consider is how much space you have to work with. Setting up your home gardening decor can be very frustrating if you don't have the space. So here's what you should do.

Think about what you will be putting in certain areas of your garden. Do you want vegetables, trees or just rocks. Consider the mature sizes of your plants. Just like the subway trains, overcrowding is not comfortable. If need be, purchase graph paper (just like in math class) and draw your garden to scale. Trust me, this helps tremendously.

Something To Think About

Home gardening is a constant process. You will need to make changes here and there from season to season. Just follow these tips and you could save a ton of time and money. Plan thoroughly before you start planting and you will benefit and enjoy your home garden more.

Epages was created by Jason Scott. A graduate of Philadelphia Pierce College with a degree in Accounting. During that time, Jason has acquired a wealth of knowledge and experience in horticulture and landscaping from working various jobs. One of his biggest influence is his father who helped him bring out the best in plants foliage.

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